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Interface UIFormDef<T>

This is HTML form control.

Type parameters



[key: string]: any

This is HTML form control.



Optional action

action: undefined | string

HTML Form action attribute.

Optional afterInit

Optional attr

attr: IDictionary<string>

Object defining html attributes for controls root element.

Optional children

children: T[]

Child control list for this control.

Optional click

Callback that will be called when control is clicked.

Optional css

css: JQueryCssProperties

Object defining css styles for controls root element.

Optional enabled

enabled: undefined | false | true

If true control will be enabled if false control will be disabled (inactive).

Optional enctype

enctype: undefined | string

HTML Form enctype attribute.

Optional fixedWidth

fixedWidth: undefined | number

Optional id

id: undefined | string

Reference id of the control, it will be used to reference this control in the code throuth FieldsIndex objects.

Optional ignore

ignore: undefined | false | true

If true this control definition will be ignored and control will not be initiated.

Optional init

Callback that will be called when control is initialised.

Optional method

method: undefined | string

HTML Form method attribute.

Optional on

Optional styleClass

styleClass: undefined | string

Style class to add on root element of the control.

Optional submit

Callback called on form submit.


type: "Form"

Optional visible

visible: undefined | false | true

Set initial visibility of control. (default: true)