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Interface UIFontFamilySelectorDef

This will create font family selector control.



[key: string]: any

This will create font family selector control.



Optional afterInit

Optional attr

attr: IDictionary<string>

Object defining html attributes for controls root element.

Optional change

Callback that will be called when selection changes.

Optional click

Callback that will be called when control is clicked.

Optional css

css: JQueryCssProperties

Object defining css styles for controls root element.

Optional enabled

enabled: undefined | false | true

If true control will be enabled if false control will be disabled (inactive).

Optional fixedWidth

fixedWidth: undefined | number

Optional id

id: undefined | string

Reference id of the control, it will be used to reference this control in the code throuth FieldsIndex objects.

Optional ignore

ignore: undefined | false | true

If true this control definition will be ignored and control will not be initiated.

Optional init

Callback that will be called when control is initialised.

Optional noFixedWidth

noFixedWidth: undefined | false | true

If true control width will ajust to parent width else will be fixed width. (default: false)

Optional on

Optional styleClass

styleClass: undefined | string

Style class to add on root element of the control.


type: "FontFamilySelector"

Optional value

value: undefined | string

Initial value.

Optional visible

visible: undefined | false | true

Set initial visibility of control. (default: true)